It's about damn time Osama bin Laden (OBL) released another tape. Funny how it happened right as American Idol was starting. The man just can't stand someone else getting the spotlight. I think he might have a legitimate shot at the final 12 this year...
But seriously. He went on and on about things and then he offers a truce. Again. He also spoke directly to the American people and tried using some jedi mind trickery by turning the population against President Bush. Too late OBL, that ship sailed some time ago, people have been a tad upset with W for a while now. It's for more reasons than just the "war on terror" though.
But those comments were interesting to say the least. Think they don't speak volumes to what's really going on in Iraq and Afghanistan? Yes, coalition forces are coming under attacks from terrorists, but the evidence points to the overall success of the mission. The recent Iraqi elections were huge success by all accounts, with no real violence at or around the poll. That's pretty good for such a fledgling democracy with outside forces trying to force conditions that would allow the institution of Islamic rule. It's not going to be quick or pretty, but overall the citizens of Iraq aren't behind al-Qaida. They are physically fighting them, not necessarily side by side with coalition forces, but they are firing on terrorists and not "our guys". Don't believe me? Try this article from Christopher Hitchens. Love him or hate him, he makes sense here:
It's Curtains for al-QaidaBy and large, Iraqis want all foreign influence out of their country. They want their freedom. The coalition forces should give them exactly that when it's relatively secure. However, Iraqis are well aware that getting the terrorists out is a lot more imperative than getting out the Western troops. It's also harder. The steps towards a strong independent nation are being made. Their government is making strides in the lawmaking body, as are the Iraqi courts. Ambassadors are being named and relations are being opened with neighboring Arab nations.
Make no mistake though, this doesn't absolve the western governmental leaders of their crimes against the people they were elected to protect. It just means our military leaders and soldiers are committed to successfully helping the nations who need it.