Cheney's SS are Dicks too While I find the article interesting and the arrest of this man an affront to all things American, I'm not surprised. I wish I were shocked. The Patriot Act at it's only logical conclusion. Also, what interested me more than the article though was the comments that were left by the readers.
It amazes me how any political discussion always turns to the topic of
religion. Why? My theory is that because religion, like politics,
concerns a set of rules that people think they should live by.
First off, let me just say, there is no way I can, or should ever consider
trying to, dictate someone's personal morality to them. If it follows the one rule
that it doesn't infringe on my freedom, do what you feel is right. People
should live the best way they know how. Maybe the rules they pick are the
best for them. Just don't preach tome about how I should live my life.
That's where both religion and politics fail miserably. The only
difference between the two is that religion is a personal matter and should
be left as that (thank you President Jefferson). Politics involves
creating laws that everyone must live by and because of that needs to be a
matter of public record and scrutiny. Political issues like this need to
be exposed, debated, and hashed over again and again and again. We should
exercise our freedoms, lest we lose them. People should also STFU about
religion, plain and simple. Unfortunately, people will continue to argue
about who's right and who's wrong out of two very human emotions: arrogance and fear.