12 May 2007

How's that?


It seems that even when someone is trying to exercise their politically correct bestness, someone somewhere is going to get all pissy. Now Disney pictures can't call a movie "The Frog Princess" because it might offend the French? The French can bite me. In all likelihood they're going to get offended at something American anyway. Our kids shouldn't get a decent animated flick out if it? How about we call the movie, "The Cheese loving, capitulating, surrender loving princess", that should get their goat. Christ on a crutch why is everyone so sensitive.

Then because the heroine of the movie is going to the first black princess, they can't call her Maddy (which I assume is short for Madeline, or some other name no one uses anymore) because....get this now.....it might be construed as being close to resembling Mammy.
Here I thought that Disney having an African American princess would be a good thing that everyone could agree on. Can't be good because it "might be construed" as "close to resembling" something that if you change the spelling, and infer some secret plot to subliminally undermine an entire segment of the American population would be a slap in the face to people.

It's gotten so bad that we have to police ourselves for things that aren't offensive, but may be if someone can't spell so good.

Wow. Just wow. Where's the bar?

Wait... I'm of Irish/Scottish ancestry...I think I just offended myself.

11 May 2007

Atlas is beginning his shrug


So Chavez is privatizing everything he can get his hands on. Of course, he's doing it "for the people". I suppose there's no gain in it for him or his party at all is there? Isn't that how Castro started? Isn't that how the Socialist Republic of Russia started, or the Communist Party of China started? Bolivia? Peru? This should be more familiar [read: CLEAR WARNING] to people in Central and South America than to anyone else. Has it ever worked? EVER? This is the moment we'll be able to look back on and say, "That's when".

I'm aware poverty and difficult living conditions are hard to swallow, especially for an extended period of time. I also realize that sometimes it takes extreme measures to pull a country out of a deep hole. [The New Deal springs to mind. That was thisclose to Socialism, and we're still paying for that little project in some ways.] However, the answer cannot be to have everyone live off the backs of those who are producing. There has to be some level of personal responsibility and reward. At least in a free market there are reasons for people to have ambition. That doesn't happen when someone knows that no matter how hard they work, they get the same as everyone else. YAY socialism!!

This lack of ambition will turn most into drones. The ones it pisses off will look for away to get over. This will lead to two classes. The ruling party and everyone else. Say what you will about socialism and it's model, there will be a ruling party. There's simply no utopia where we can all join hands and live on the commune. People need leaders. Leaders will see themselves as entitled to more than the "common man". Inevitably that leads to a ruling class. It can be a singular entity; be it a dictator, or a monarch or an emperor, or it can be as it is in China or the former Soviet Republic where the party became the old boys network.

Pure socialism is just as pie in the sky as pure Democracy. The only place either of these ideals would hold up is a place where the population is small and easily controlled. Call me crazy, but the evils of a Republic Democracy aren't as vile as the evils of socialism turned to communism anywhere. I mean honestly, who doesn't want their voice heard? Only the apathetic, or the robots.

Read the book...Atlas Shrugged. It seems almost a road map. It's gonna be a bumpy ride