Am I wrong?
Okay. Sometimes I actually go back a day or two later and read my own writings to see if I am ever disagree with myself on a given subject. You know the step back and give it a day thing. Usually, I still agree with myself on the whole. Big surprise, n'est pas?
The thing I'm wondering now is...Do I think that much differently than everyone else. The things I say in this blog are the same as I say in my everyday life. Yet, it seems no one really agrees with me on the whole. A lot of people agree with me on one subject, but then think I'm absolutely off my pills on any other subject. It's quite odd really.
Here's what gets me: Most people who are willing to engage in political debate seem to want to tow the party line for the Fasc....GOP or the Hippi...Democrats. No one really has their own opinion completely independent of what Limbaugh, Matthews, O'Reilly or whichever "expert" tells them to think. The only person I've seen demonstrate anything close to an independent thought pattern is Bill Maher. Sometimes he says the smartest things I've heard in years. Unfortunately it's usually followed by something so far out in left field (only for the sake of making a guest look intellectually inferior) that it makes me want to chew a brick. Dennis Miller usually made sense to me. But look where that got him.
Then there's the whole sociology of today. People are unbelievable how far they'll carry this "there are no wrong answers, no failing grades, no harshness in the world" crap. YES THERE IS. You can be wrong, and it's mostly okay, because it's how you get to the right answer. Keep doing it though and the herd should give you up. You can indeed fail a test. It's not the school board's fault you can't write your name, you need to study harder. There are a lot of bad people and things in this world, and they will take you as soon as given the chance. Please don't leave me or anyone I care about unprepared to deal with them, the law only works adter a crime. An ounce of prevention folks, that's what I say. That brings me to why no one ever want to take responsibility for anything. Stand up, take the hit and fix the problem. That's what moral and righteous people do. They are fixers. The blamers can all get bent, cause they were there too, they just won't admit it.
Am I some kind of revolutionary to be shunned and burned at the stake of the status quo? It all seems fairly straightforward to me. Where's my voice these days? Maybe I'm too old school. The current state of the world really makes me wonder if everyone else is sane and I'm the crazy one.
25 October 2005
20 October 2005
"Let's burn our town down cause white supremacy is wrong!"
AKA "Logic in Toledo"
Let's see, the national socialist movement (I refuse to capitalize that because a true party has political ambitions, not just a hate inducing one) wanted to march in Toledo in the name of white power. Wow. I dislike Socialism with a fervor most men never know, but I think I may actually hate people who claim they're born better than anyone else. I hate them as equally as I hate people who think the world owes them something because they were born into wealth or stature, or because they "feel oppressed". I hate people who think either of these things because of skin color just a tiny bit more. Let's get this straight so we can all move on and live our lives: You are no more special than anyone else, and no one owes you jack. You want something? Work for it. You want to feel important? Accomplish something worth feeling proud of. It's real simple. Personal responsibility and ambition will give you all you ever need to live a worthy and respectable life.
But I digress, as I often do. So Toledo puts the "kabosh" on the march by denying the . They threaten to gather anyway (without the march) on the streets (which Constitutionally is their right, as long as there are no disturbances of public order). So in order to protest this people who are against racists gather. So far, so good. Then the nazi's, err...sorry, socialists decide not to show at all. Probably the only wise move anyone in this situation made. So instead of dispersing peacefully and reflecting on a moral victory, the protestors riot in their own city. They decide they should flip cars, burn businesses, and pelt the police force (who was there to protect them) with rocks and garbage. How is that even an option? Congratulations concerned citizens, you've just given the nazis a very early Xmas present. You've given them fuel to spew their rhetoric. You've given them another reason to call people who don't think they as they do inferior. They've won because they didn't have anything to do with the actual violence and they can now point to the crowd that did show up and say, "You see, we're not the bad guys here". The worst part is you've given them the fuel to move on to another city and try the same thing.
Maybe we should revoke the right to assemble, because Americans seemingly cannot handle the whole "peaceable" part. I don't believe that, but you can bet your sweet GOP that's how the Neo-conservatives are going to angle it. You want to lose your liberty? That's a fantastic way to start the process.
AKA "Logic in Toledo"
Let's see, the national socialist movement (I refuse to capitalize that because a true party has political ambitions, not just a hate inducing one) wanted to march in Toledo in the name of white power. Wow. I dislike Socialism with a fervor most men never know, but I think I may actually hate people who claim they're born better than anyone else. I hate them as equally as I hate people who think the world owes them something because they were born into wealth or stature, or because they "feel oppressed". I hate people who think either of these things because of skin color just a tiny bit more. Let's get this straight so we can all move on and live our lives: You are no more special than anyone else, and no one owes you jack. You want something? Work for it. You want to feel important? Accomplish something worth feeling proud of. It's real simple. Personal responsibility and ambition will give you all you ever need to live a worthy and respectable life.
But I digress, as I often do. So Toledo puts the "kabosh" on the march by denying the . They threaten to gather anyway (without the march) on the streets (which Constitutionally is their right, as long as there are no disturbances of public order). So in order to protest this people who are against racists gather. So far, so good. Then the nazi's, err...sorry, socialists decide not to show at all. Probably the only wise move anyone in this situation made. So instead of dispersing peacefully and reflecting on a moral victory, the protestors riot in their own city. They decide they should flip cars, burn businesses, and pelt the police force (who was there to protect them) with rocks and garbage. How is that even an option? Congratulations concerned citizens, you've just given the nazis a very early Xmas present. You've given them fuel to spew their rhetoric. You've given them another reason to call people who don't think they as they do inferior. They've won because they didn't have anything to do with the actual violence and they can now point to the crowd that did show up and say, "You see, we're not the bad guys here". The worst part is you've given them the fuel to move on to another city and try the same thing.
Maybe we should revoke the right to assemble, because Americans seemingly cannot handle the whole "peaceable" part. I don't believe that, but you can bet your sweet GOP that's how the Neo-conservatives are going to angle it. You want to lose your liberty? That's a fantastic way to start the process.
Figured it out. I like it.
I decided to not stretch the picture. Thought the arty kind of cropped look would suit the page better. I think it does. I added the blue for a little contrast, and it just helps the page look a little more alive. Not like the pretty girl who just lays there like a trout (ifyouknowwhatImean). Anyway, if anyone reads this and has a comment or opinion, feel free to express it. Bwee.
I decided to not stretch the picture. Thought the arty kind of cropped look would suit the page better. I think it does. I added the blue for a little contrast, and it just helps the page look a little more alive. Not like the pretty girl who just lays there like a trout (ifyouknowwhatImean). Anyway, if anyone reads this and has a comment or opinion, feel free to express it. Bwee.
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