20 October 2005

"Let's burn our town down cause white supremacy is wrong!"
AKA "Logic in Toledo"

Let's see, the national socialist movement (I refuse to capitalize that because a true party has political ambitions, not just a hate inducing one) wanted to march in Toledo in the name of white power. Wow. I dislike Socialism with a fervor most men never know, but I think I may actually hate people who claim they're born better than anyone else. I hate them as equally as I hate people who think the world owes them something because they were born into wealth or stature, or because they "feel oppressed". I hate people who think either of these things because of skin color just a tiny bit more. Let's get this straight so we can all move on and live our lives: You are no more special than anyone else, and no one owes you jack. You want something? Work for it. You want to feel important? Accomplish something worth feeling proud of. It's real simple. Personal responsibility and ambition will give you all you ever need to live a worthy and respectable life.

But I digress, as I often do. So Toledo puts the "kabosh" on the march by denying the . They threaten to gather anyway (without the march) on the streets (which Constitutionally is their right, as long as there are no disturbances of public order). So in order to protest this people who are against racists gather. So far, so good. Then the nazi's, err...sorry, socialists decide not to show at all. Probably the only wise move anyone in this situation made. So instead of dispersing peacefully and reflecting on a moral victory, the protestors riot in their own city. They decide they should flip cars, burn businesses, and pelt the police force (who was there to protect them) with rocks and garbage. How is that even an option? Congratulations concerned citizens, you've just given the nazis a very early Xmas present. You've given them fuel to spew their rhetoric. You've given them another reason to call people who don't think they as they do inferior. They've won because they didn't have anything to do with the actual violence and they can now point to the crowd that did show up and say, "You see, we're not the bad guys here". The worst part is you've given them the fuel to move on to another city and try the same thing.

Maybe we should revoke the right to assemble, because Americans seemingly cannot handle the whole "peaceable" part. I don't believe that, but you can bet your sweet GOP that's how the Neo-conservatives are going to angle it. You want to lose your liberty? That's a fantastic way to start the process.

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