14 December 2005

Talk about coming to the party a little late.

Bush finally took the blame for going into Iraq based on bad intelligence. To his credit he did take sole responsibility for the mistakes in Iraq. Thanks for that, but this admission would have been a lot more effective had you not waited 1,000 days and over 2,000 soldiers' deaths later. Of course, he couldn't just take the blame. No he still tried to defend his decision, proving he isn't remorseful. Probably looking to up his approval rating a few points so he can keep campaigning for the GOP.

Bush said, "It is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong. As president I am responsible for the decision to go into Iraq, and I am also responsible for fixing what went wrong by reforming our intelligence capabilities and we're doing just that."

I wish he would have stopped right there. I would have applauded his speech, and my respect for him would have increased. But no, he went on to say this, "My decision to remove Saddam Hussein was the right decision", and "We are in Iraq today because our goal has always been more than the removal of a brutal dictator"

How was the decision to remove Saddam Hussein the right decision? Iraq was a stable (in the sense they were a known quantity), terrorism free sovereign state before our "war on terror". We may not have agreed with Saddam's politics or his methods of government, but there was no reason for the US to get involved. Now the country is one of the most unstable in the Middle East in all areas. The Iraqis have gained some freedoms, but at the expense of personal safety (at least for now). As to Saddam's human rights violations, those violations that the former dictator is on trial for happened well before Bush (W.) was in office. Bottom line, Bush had nothing, so the administration created the opportunity to go into Iraq for reasons known only to a few.

The latter statement sure does poke at the truth more than anything else that's come out of his mouth in the past 5+ years though. Just think in another 3 years or so, we may get the real reasons this administration decided to target Iraq. Oil is an easy answer, but it seems way too obvious. Vendetta is a fun one to throw out there, but I have to believe that there is more. If not, then Americans truly need to rethink some things.

Of course all these admissions came on the same day as the Patriot Act was passed for another four years. (note: 'the framework of fascism' is my little nickname for it. I'll probably get wire-tapped and record searched because of it.) Is that a coincidence? I don't know. I'm not much into the conspiracy theories, but not much is coincidence inside the beltway.

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