03 January 2007

Now be nice to the "pursuit of happiness" guy.

This is in response to Renegade Eye's post about Chavez calling for a united socialist party in Venezuela (linky). Scares the shit out of me, but I'm a crazy democracy lover. I tried to leave a message on his blog, but I'm not sure if it posted because of this crazy new blogger/google baby (bloogler?). Anyway, if it didn't post, here it is again:

This is the first step towards communism. It won't end well, never does. I cannot stand two party politics, but if there's anything I dislike more, it's one party "politics".

I still can't understand how someone can support socialism in practice. If socialism worked the way it was intended, it'd be utopia. But we all know it can't work in it's purest form. Somewhere, someone is looking to get over and "beat the system", or to do as little as possible and still reap the benefits of others work, while someone else still looks to rise above the rest and hold the power. That is the ugly truth in everything from pure democracy to sharia.

The beautiful truth is that there are people who will rebel against being a "cog in the machine" no matter where you go. There are those with ambition and a desire to be the best at what they do that cannot sit back and watch their lives pass them by for the promise of the government taking care of their basic needs (and history shows that communist states usually fail at that to a large degree). Sometimes the artist needs to starve.


Frank Partisan said...

Your comment is not only up on my blog, another reader responded, in an insightful manner.

I don't agree with you, but your instincts against dictators are correct.

Brik D said...

I don't mind disagreements, as long as they remain civil amd rational.