13 April 2007

Wow. Mr. Buchanan making a rational, reasonable argument.

I generally do not agree with Mr. Buchanan. He has a tendency to let his very narrow vision of things slant his views very heavily. I guess we all do, but he's an abrasive tool about it. This however, I agree with.

Link obtained from http://www.drudgereport.com


Frank Partisan said...

Imus's fans are the family values, clean up TV crowd as Joe Lieberman. His support is a contradiction for a supposed shock jock.

Stewie said...

That was incredibly rational for him. I was impressed.

I hate to say it because I hate him, but it's a very good article.

Brik D said...

Stewie, exactly.

Renegade, I don't know about his support being contradictory, it depends on whether the support is for the person or the issue. It does highlight the depths of hypocrisy of those that were calling for his job. What he did wasn't right but I don't think it was an egregious act of racism when looked at in context. It was a comedy bit that went one step too far, and frankly was more guilty of just being unfunny. This was no Michael Richards.