24 September 2005

I have been at a loss as of late as to what to write about.

Note the lack of an entry in well over a month. When I sit down to write, it's usually stream of conciousness. No drafts, no theme, no point really. I had a really decent article about Hurricane Katrina and FEMA and Bush and Nagin and blah, blah....but then I thought...screw it. However, donate if you can...especially since Rita is prociding even more misery on the Gulf Coast. My personal beliefs usually keep me from giving to organizations that allow people to leech off the backs (and labor) of others, but I truly feel for a lot of these people. Maybe because I live within ten miles of an ocean, and an immense bay. Even though they were well aware that they were living in a bowl surrounded by water, there's no way to prepare for that kind of loss in today's economic world for the middle class and lower. I hope someone pressures the insurance companies to actually payout for once. The "your policy doesn't cover an act of god" bullshit is already starting in a lot of these places. I hate insurance companies. Not as much as Facists or Anarchists....but close.

Oh, Rome:Total War kicks ass. Fun game. More than just strategy, it's got a bit of a RPG aspect as well. How's that for randomosity. Yep.

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