30 December 2005

Iraw War?

I happened onto a news stations website which had a list of comments posted on the "Iraw War" (I assumed it was Iraq). I was surprised to see so many comments that really had nothing to do with the actual military operations in Iraq. Most comments focused on the Bush administration's admitting to illegally gathering intelligence on US citizens and/or residents. Some interesting comments though.


27 December 2005

Russia, putting the Communist back into "Free Society"

Russia has been quite busy trying to convince themselves that it's suddenly 1955 again, and "Big Red" should again rule Eastern Europe.

It's not just that they've stomped all over free political speech. It's not only the point that they've "nationalized" every important industry inside their borders (i.e. Energy, communications, media, etc.). It's also about the way they've handled foreign relations with former Soviet states, namely Ukraine.

Refer to any article or statement quoting Russian officials, and the language is very aggressive, and quite unapologetic about it. The article Putin Economic advisor offers Resignation offers a few glimpses into the current mindset of the Kremlin. Also the current argument over natural gas prices gives us an even clearer view of the coming "policy shift" Russia targeting Ukraine for natural gas rate hike.

Now, they want to loan the Ukraine billions of dollars so they can afford to pay the inflated gas prices. So they get the money doubled, with interest. While that's the most capitalistic thing I've heard from Russia's government in a while...It doesn't add up to anything more than an easy "We tried to help" when they shut off the gas supply to their neighbors. Why does the Ukraine get asked to pay prices 4 and 5 times higher than countries who are more amiable with Moscow? Simply put, the Ukrainian people are being punished because the new administration in Kiev wants to strengthen Western ties while backing away from the "little brother" role it's played for Russia for hundreds of years.

Good thing they're not trying to back away from Washington. That might get their "regime" changed.

I digress... One thing clearly left out of these articles is that these moves are pushing Russia right into becoming a socialist (more accurately communist) nation again. Putin has steadily and methodically stepped (nay! Marched in parade dress) right back in that direction since taking office. State controlled television and radio are now the only viable choices. Any corporation that is making a dent in the economy is immediately acquired by another state run corporation, even if the leader of the public company needs to be jailed to do so. This begs two different questions..

1. Why isn't anyone visibly concerned, especially with socialism taking hold in South America, and US politics looking more fascist all the time?
2. Hasn't communism already failed in Russia?

If this is a glimpse into the future, I'm looking for a hidden valley. (to those who know that reference, join me won't you?)

15 December 2005

I can't wait for the "I told you so"

So everyone at work is getting just giddy over the holidays. Secret Santas as far as the eye can see. I've dodged that bullet this year, or so I thought.

So at a meeting the other day when the boss asks "What are we doing for the holidays?". I'm silent hoping someone else says the words "Retaining my dignity and not participating in a stupid "festive" f'ing office hell." No one does. Cowards.

So, the boss then suggests a team lunch. Not a bad idea. Everybody hangs out away from the office, talks a little and gets a free meal out of it. Sweet. Then the standard "where?" discussion starts. So finally someone opens the metaphorical door and asks, "Where can they seat us all at one table in case we exchange gifts?". If I could have legally bored a hole in that person's head using only a spoon and my displeasure, I'd be a much happier man today.

So then someone (the supervisor) suggests we exchange gifts, but with a twist. Did anyone see the recent Christmas episode of "The Office" on NBC (The US version, I know all about the UK version and it's superiority, so save it). It featured a little practice called "Yankee swap". I actually tried to stop it. I said out loud...No. It's a recipe for disaster. I, of course, was drowned out in a sea of contrived enthusiasm because it was the boss' decision. For those who don't know what a Yankee swap AKA White Elephant Gift Exchange is, I'll give you the definition according to a quick google:

"Traditionally, a "White Elephant" is something lying around the house that you don't want (some horridly ugly item that someone gave you as a gift or some other item unwanted for some reason). I am of the belief that in most parts of the country, if you tell someone to bring a White Elephant gift it will almost certainly be a gag gift and not something genuinely useful or desirable." - Thanks to http://www.santalady.com/xmasgame/whiteelephant.html

Sounds fun, huh? Can't wait for the first racially, or politically insensitive or just plain stupid gift to be unwrapped. I'm telling you, when this all goes wrong I will laugh like a smug, smug bastard. At least I'll have a good seat.

14 December 2005

Talk about coming to the party a little late.

Bush finally took the blame for going into Iraq based on bad intelligence. To his credit he did take sole responsibility for the mistakes in Iraq. Thanks for that, but this admission would have been a lot more effective had you not waited 1,000 days and over 2,000 soldiers' deaths later. Of course, he couldn't just take the blame. No he still tried to defend his decision, proving he isn't remorseful. Probably looking to up his approval rating a few points so he can keep campaigning for the GOP.

Bush said, "It is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong. As president I am responsible for the decision to go into Iraq, and I am also responsible for fixing what went wrong by reforming our intelligence capabilities and we're doing just that."

I wish he would have stopped right there. I would have applauded his speech, and my respect for him would have increased. But no, he went on to say this, "My decision to remove Saddam Hussein was the right decision", and "We are in Iraq today because our goal has always been more than the removal of a brutal dictator"

How was the decision to remove Saddam Hussein the right decision? Iraq was a stable (in the sense they were a known quantity), terrorism free sovereign state before our "war on terror". We may not have agreed with Saddam's politics or his methods of government, but there was no reason for the US to get involved. Now the country is one of the most unstable in the Middle East in all areas. The Iraqis have gained some freedoms, but at the expense of personal safety (at least for now). As to Saddam's human rights violations, those violations that the former dictator is on trial for happened well before Bush (W.) was in office. Bottom line, Bush had nothing, so the administration created the opportunity to go into Iraq for reasons known only to a few.

The latter statement sure does poke at the truth more than anything else that's come out of his mouth in the past 5+ years though. Just think in another 3 years or so, we may get the real reasons this administration decided to target Iraq. Oil is an easy answer, but it seems way too obvious. Vendetta is a fun one to throw out there, but I have to believe that there is more. If not, then Americans truly need to rethink some things.

Of course all these admissions came on the same day as the Patriot Act was passed for another four years. (note: 'the framework of fascism' is my little nickname for it. I'll probably get wire-tapped and record searched because of it.) Is that a coincidence? I don't know. I'm not much into the conspiracy theories, but not much is coincidence inside the beltway.

12 December 2005

"My lips hurt real bad."

My other half says she needs some "chopstick". That's our daughter's way of saying lip balm. She's fairly nutty, but she's fun.

Look at her moustache...

I just don't know why she was so happy about the blue marker on her face...
Meh, it's probably Lazytown's fault.

05 December 2005

I love people

We just took the kids to go see that infamous fat man today. Of course, nothing makes me happier than capitalism at work, but I loathe the mall. I'm not one for all the ruckus. I like my experiences to be as calm and orderly as possible. Not a possibility today...

The mall must have had 2.2 trillion people in it. It might not have been so bad if 2.19999 trillion of them weren't inconsiderate mouth breathers. I swear people need brake lights and turn signals, cause you just never know when they're going to stop or take a hard left right into your seven year old. Then there were the several young men that felt a need to look at me (and all the other males under the age of 50) as if they were gonna shank me in the rec yard. Yes, I know your from the streets of suburbia, and I'm nervous of you, your practiced hard look, and your knowledge of all the lyrics of 50 cent's (That's fitty if you're from the streetz, yo) new song. Your glare just makes me wanna to piss all over myself. You are obviously the Alpha male.

What I thought was a good idea was they were giving those restaraunt pagers to all the parents who were there to see Santa. Instead of staying in line for 2 hours (literally how long it would have taken), you can roam around the mall for that time and spend money. Really a good idea for all involved. The beauty of it was that the better half offered to go to the mall first on a recon mission of sorts. She went and got the pager, and then called to tell me how long the wait was. I then waited at home for most of the 2 hours, and then brought the kids. She rocks sometimes. REALLY cut out the annoyance factor for me. She knows me, and she didn't want me yelling something vulgar and insulting to random people in the middle of the mall. I get to that point with stupidity sometimes. I think she'd make me wear a warning sticker if I'd agree. BEWARE OF HUMAN, or something like that.

Of course, when we answer the call to duty, the lady says. "Weren't you already here?". I couldn't answer with the answer with the first thing that came to mind, so I just stared at her as if she were speaking Mandarin Chinese.

All in all, we got the task of seeing Santa done. It only took about 1.5 hours total, so it wasn't that bad I guess. Still, shopping online sure beats the pants off that mall crap anyday.

Yeaaaaa, Christmas.